Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hello everyone!

Sorry I know we haven’t been on in a while….. But hopefully things will change.

Bella has been a very good girl lately. I missed a few holidays but in doing my best to catch up on this blog…. Ok ok ok where to begin……… ummmm ok last thing I talked about was us at the farmers market and the Strawberry festival parade.

Other than that

We missed showing you guys these things:

I got her new toys and I also go her groomed (by Jessica) her favorite toy was the pink one until she bit its horn off….. LOL She was not happy to see that go away.

We dog sat and she saw her cousins again! That was fun!

Then it was my 18th Birthday where we celebrated.
This is Kathy
 Then we went to the Saturday Farmers market where we met some new friends.

And then Grandma and Grandpa got a puppy that I’m a little too big to play with but he’s so cute! His name is Teddy! He’s a Chaweenie!

And then a few days before Halloween we got the rash on her belly back….. And a new little bug bite we were not happy with the spray our V.E.T (yes we spell it because we don’t want her freaking out about it) gave her. She really really really didn’t like it. (So que he donut of doom again)  

Then Thanksgiving came around and Bella got her turkey day feast (yes we are that family that get our dog the turkey day feast canned dog food {which was gone in like 1 second} on thanksgiving so she doesn’t feel left out) and she always loves it!
Then we were out on Sunday since I got my license we were driving around and we went to Sunday farmers market in Garden Grove then we went to the one in sunset beach and then we went across the way to the Petco where I made her in to a Pumpkin!

And we then went to a dog park where a dog bit her butt (in picture) and made her bleed a little and then we went to grandmas to put Neosporin on it to make sure it wasn’t getting germs on it and then she played with teddy

And last but not least…… she has been going upside down lately so I snapped a few pics..

Well it looks like we are all caught up! I’ll try to be more on top of things with Bella on Facebook and on here!

I wanna get up and go but its so comfy!
I caught her mid sneeze!
Bella Beans was Melting!
Bella Beans!
I like to sit in the Chairs even though i need help
I found a old pic of her!!!
I love her tho!
AWWE shes so sweet!
I love my mawns bed!
So so so so Tired
MOM closed the window i have to make her feel bad!
Can you find the puppy?!
I got Groomed
I loved the Bone!
I wasnt digging what are you talking about!?
Let me tell you your fortune

I love these toys!
Mom what do you mean I need a Bath?

I got a Bath :(