Monday, November 19, 2012



My name is Cj and I have an American Blue Nose Pitbull named Bella. We are changing people's minds about her breed. She is a Rescue. We don’t know much about her past because we found her when she was a stray in the pound. We picked her up from the Orange County Animal Shelter. She was adopted 12/15/11 (she was only 8 Months). She loves meeting other people and dogs (even though she will get in a play bow) she will try to lick you to death, She was very thin at first but now she is a healthy 63 Pounds (which feels a lot heaver when she is laying on you) She loves certain toys (mostly the ones with a lot of squeakers in them so she can rip them out). We think she was abused as a puppy. She likes her vet until they take her to the back where she can’t see us. She is afraid of Cats, Bananas and marshmallows. We are trying to get her to be a therapy dog (but we don’t have the money to keep her in the classes she needs). We went against the rule and not to have a Pit as a first pet. But so far she is turning out great. We always watch Pitbulls and Parolees on Animal Planet. Our trainer at Petsmart (Her name is Lauren and she teaches in Fountain Valley) She calls her Switzerland because she is neutral to pretty much everything.

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