Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Friday: Health Facts

Hello there! Happy Friday :D
                Im just going to tell you what may and may not be good for your dog to eat. I’m doing this because I have caught Bella eating Avocados and Grapes. And knowing these facts I wont be giving her them. I hope you find these tips helpful. 

The human food is bad for dogs:

Avocados: have a toxic component called Persin. It damages the heart, lung and is very toxic to most animals.

Nuts: Walnuts and Macadamia Nuts are very toxic.  These can cause Vomiting, they may not be able to walk, seem weak.  This causes kidney failure.

Chocolate: Will kill your dog in large portions. It will make your dog become ill.

Candy: Can cause a dogs blood sugar to drop or even seizures

Grapes and raisins: Lead to Kidney Failure in Dogs.

Onions: Destroy Dogs red blood cells and a weakness and breathing difficulty.

Medication (keep your medication locked up) it causes pet poising.

Baby Food: Contains onion powder

Cat food: too high in protein and fats

Raw eggs: causes salmonella poisoning

Fat Trimmings: causes Pancreatitis

Milk and Dairy Products: can cause Diarrhea

Mushrooms: causes liver and kidney Damage

Nutmeg: Causes Tremors, Seizures and death

Salt: Causes Kidney Problems

Tomatoes: Cause Tremors

Things they can eat:

Lean Meats: Take the Skin and Fat off

Vegetables: Carrots, Green Beans, Cucumber slices

Fruit: Apple Slices, Orange Slices, Bananas and Watermelon are ok. (leave out the seeds)

Baked potatoes: Plain Baked Potatoes make sure they are cooked

Bread:  Plain cooked  bread is fine. Make sure there are  no nuts added

Rice and Pasta: Plane cooked Pasta and White rice are fine.

Signs of Poising: Muscle Tremors or Seizures, Vomiting and Diarrhea, Drooling( abnormal amount), redness of skin ears and eyes

If you think your pet has consume or came in contact with something toxic. Keep calm and call for help. Let’s keep our pets safe. Keep the number of your Veterinarian and the ASPCA  Animal Poison Control Center – (888) 426-4435

Here are some Pictures OF Bella :D


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